Venue of ACM SIGMETRICS 2024


Venice, Italy
June 10-14, 2024

Boat Schedule:

From Monday to Friday, the boat will depart from

At both stops, you will find a member of our local team, easily recognizable by the large red "STAFF" label on their badges. Please feel free to ask them for any information or assistance.

Return Schedule:
After the end of the program, each day, the boat will be available to bring you back to the Venice mainland (same stops indicated above). Below is the departure timetable:

  • Monday: 5:40 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 PM
  • Thursday: 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 5.45 PM

Important Notes:

  • The boat will depart at the indicated times (with a slight allowance for boarding). Please be on time or arrive a bit early to ensure you catch the boat.
  • Please avoid bringing any luggage, as additional charges may apply for transporting it.

If you prefer to reach San Servolo on your own you can find information on how to reach it here. For further information on Venice Transportation please refer to the following web pages: Rolling Venice Info if you are under 30, ACTV Multi-Day Transport otherwise.