The organizing committee is excited to invite you to take part in ACM SIGMETRICS 2011. SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the ACM special interest group for the computer systems performance evaluation community. This year, SIGMETRICS will be a part of FCRC 2011, the ACM Federated Research Conference.
The ACM SIGMETRICS conference solicits papers on the development and application of state-of-the-art, broadly applicable analytic, simulation, and measurement-based performance evaluation techniques. Of particular interest is work that furthers the state-of-the-art in performance evaluation methods, or work that creatively apply previously developed methods to understand or gain important insights into key design trade-offs in computer or network systems.
- 10/27 Update on the submission: A 2-page appendix is permitted, where the appendix does not count towards the original 12 pages.
- The Workshops page is posted.
- The MAMA 2011 call for papers is out.
- The GreenMetrics 2011 call for papers is out.
- The Technical Program page is posted.
- The Student Activites page is posted.
- The Student Travel Grants page is posted.
- The deadline for Student Posters is extended to April 29, 2011, 11:59pm PST .
- Early Registration Deadline for all Conferences, Workshops and Tutorials is May 16, 2011.
- The Tutorials page is posted.
- MAMA 2011 Schedule page is posted.
- GreenMetrics 2011 Schedule page is posted.
- Registration for Visit to SAP Research Lab is started.
- Special Discounts for ACM Sigmetrics Tutorial Program is available.
- The reception (7pm, Wednesday) will be in the Miro Lounge at Crowne Plaza Hotel.
- The banquet (6:30pm, Friday) will be in the Hilton Hotel.
- Congratulations to the winners of the best student poster award in the joint HPDC/Sigmetrics student poster
session for a poster: Cheating Behavior in a Gaming Metanetwork (Jeremy Blackburn (presenter), Ramanuja Simha, Clayton Long, Xiang Zuo, John
Skvoretz, Adriana Iamnitchi )
Important Dates
- Abstract Registration: November 1, 2010, 11:59pm EDT Hard deadline - no extensions will be given
- Paper Submission: November 8, 2010, 11:59pm EDT Hard deadline - no extensions will be given
- Workshop and tutorial proposals due: November 22, 2010, 11:59pm EDT
- Notification of Decision: February 7, 2011
- GreenMetrics 2011 submission deadline: April 25, 2011 Hard deadline
- Student research posters deadline: April 29, 2011, 11:59pm PST
- Student Travel Support application deadline: April 30, 2011
- MAMA 2011 submission deadline: May 2, 2011 Hard deadline
- Early Registration Deadline for all Conferences, Workshops and Tutorials: May 16, 2011
- Conference: June 7-11, 2011