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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.


(Adopted: 6/27/2008)


This document describes the process that ACM SIGMETRICS will use to nominate papers for the Research Highlights section of Communications of the ACM (CACM). SIGMETRICS is interested in partaking in this publication opportunity because of the wide applicability of performance evaluation research methodology to modern computer and communication systems, and the desire to promote our research to a wider audience.


We will actively solicit candidate papers from conferences that are sponsored, co-sponsored, or in cooperation with ACM SIGMETRICS, as well as from high-calibre conferences that are closely related to the area of computer systems performance evaluation.

The proposed list of conferences is:

  • SIGMETRICS: our flagship annual conference
  • Performance: an IFIP conference held jointly with SIGMETRICS every 3 years
  • WOSP: Workshop on Software Performance (co-sponsored with SIGSOFT)
  • SenSys: Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (co-sponsored with SIGBED)
  • IMC: Internet Measurement Conference (in cooperation with SIGCOMM)

In addition, any member of SIGMETRICS can forward a proposal to the selection committee for a suitable performance evaluation paper published in any relevant conference. The nomination must include a copy of the paper and two supportive nomination letters written by renowned experts in the field.

Selection Process:

A selection committee will receive nominations from multiple sources and decide upon the papers that are to be forwarded to CACM. The selection committee will consist of 5 members: the SIG Chair; two other members of the SIG Executive Committee; and two past Program Chairs from recent SIGMETRICS and/or Performance conferences. The SIG Chair will chair the selection committee, and serve as the official nominator for CACM.

The following paper selection process will be used:

  1. The selection committee will be convened in July of each year, and will consider nominations for papers published within the previous 24 months.
  2. The Program Chairs of the indicated conferences will be informed about the paper nomination procedure well in advance of their respective conferences. When possible, the first contact will be made early enough so that the CACM paper nomination process can be mentioned in the Call for Papers, as well as on the conference Web site. A followup reminder about CACM will occur prior to the paper selection process, which is typically done at a program committee meeting. The final reminder will happen after the conference, soliciting paper recommendations for the selection committee. Note that this nomination process considers not only paper quality and the initial review process, but also the feedback and discussion among conference attendees, so that stimulating break-through papers can be identified. The SIGMETRICS Chair is responsible for communicating with the Program Chairs regarding this process.
  3. All SIGMETRICS members will be informed about the CACM paper selection process. This information will be circulated annually by email to the SIG members, and will be provided on the SIGMETRICS Web site. The SIGMETRICS Chair is responsible for this promotion and communication.
  4. During July and August of each year, the selection committee will evaluate the set of papers suggested for possible forwarding to CACM, identify a small subset of these papers (e.g., 1-3) for forwarding to CACM, and assemble the materials required for the CACM nomination process.
  5. Based on the recommendations made by the selection committee, the SIG Chair will forward the official paper nominations to CACM no later than September 1.


The selection committee will be convened in July of each year, to consider nominations for relevant papers published within the past 24 months. The complete nomination packages for the selected papers will be forwarded to CACM no later than September 1.