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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.

Dr. Kuang Xu Wins 2020 ACM SIGMETRICS Rising Star Research Award

ACM SIGMETRICS is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Kuang Xu of Stanford University as the recipient of the 2020 ACM SIGMETRICS Rising Star Research Award. Dr. Kuang Xu is presented the award for fundamental research on information and resource allocation in large-scale stochastic systems.

Kuang Xu is an Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Technology at Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Associate Professor by courtesy with the Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University. He was born in Suzhou, China, and received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering (2009) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2014) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under the supervision of John N. Tsitsiklis. His research primarily focuses on understanding fundamental properties and design principles of large-scale stochastic systems using tools from probability theory and optimization, and has led to advances in the design and analysis of queueing networks, healthcare operations, privacy, and machine learning.

He received the First Place in the 2011 INFORMS George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition, the Best Paper Award, as well as the Kenneth C. Sevcik Outstanding Student Paper Award from the 2013 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference, and a 2014 MIT Jin Au Kong Award for Best PhD Thesis in Electrical Engineering.

For more information about Dr. Kuang Xu, please visit: http://web.stanford.edu/~kuangxu/.