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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.

Dr. Weina Wang Wins the 2023 ACM SIGMETRICS Rising Star Research Award

ACM SIGMETRICS is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Weina Wang of Carnegie Mellon University as the recipient of the 2023 ACM SIGMETRICS Rising Star Research Award. Dr. Weina Wang is presented the award for the development of new mathematical tools and algorithms that significantly deepen our understanding of the performance of complex, heterogeneous stochastic systems.

Weina Wang is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), where she also holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University in 2016 under the supervision of Lei Ying and Junshan Zhang, and her B.S. degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2009. Before joining CMU, she was a joint postdoc in CSL at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and in the School of ECEE at Arizona State University, hosted by R. Srikant and Lei Ying from 2016 to 2018. Her research lies in the broad area of applied probability and decision-making in stochastic systems, with applications in resource orchestration in large computing systems, data centers, and privacy-preserving data analytics.

Weina’s work has been recognized with the Kenneth C. Sevcik Outstanding Student Paper Award at ACM SIGMETRICS 2016, the Best Paper Award at ACM MobiHoc 2022, and an NSF CAREER Award in 2022. Her dissertation received the Dean’s Dissertation Award in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University in 2016.

For more information about Dr. Weina Wang, please visit: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~weinaw/.