SEATTLE, WA, USA - JUNE 15-19, 2009

MAMA 2009: Program

Program Updated May 28, 2009

The Eleventh Workshop on MAthematical Performance Modeling and Analysis

June 15, 2009 - Seattle, WA

*Subject to Change*

Monday, June 15, 2009

08:00 -- 08:30
  Who Said That? -- The Send-Receive Correlation Problem
in Network Log Analysis
B. Scheuermann, W. Kiess (Heinrich Heine University)
08:30 -- 09:00
  Selectively Retrofitting Monitoring in Distributed Systems
A. Anandkumar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
C. Bisdikian, T. He, D. Agrawal (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
09:00 -- 09:30
  Performance Modeling of Distributed Multi-Tier Enterprise Systems
A. Dubey (Vanderbilt University), R. Mehrotra, S. Abdelwahed (Mississippi State University), A. Tantawi (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
09:30 -- 10:00
  Deriving Cramer-Rao Bounds and Maximum Likelihood Estimators
for Traffic Matrix Inference
C. Wang, X. Ma (Georgia Institute of Technology)
10:00 -- 10:30
10:30 -- 11:00
  Greedy Forwarding in Scale-Free Networks
Embedded in Hyperbolic Metric Spaces
D. Krioukov, F. Papadopoulos (University of
California, San Diego), M. Boguna (Universitat de Barcelona), A.
Vahdat (University of California, San Diego)
11:00 -- 11:30
   Basic Theorems on the Backoff Process in 802.11
J.-W. Cho, Y. Jiang (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
11:30 -- 12:00
  Optimal Job/File Fragmentation
J. Nair, S.H. Low (California Institute of Technology)
12:00 -- 13:00
13:00 -- 13:30
  Extending Amdahl's Law in the Multicore Era
E. Yao, Y. Bao, G. Tan, M. Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
13:30 -- 14:00
  A Local Equilibrium Model for P2P Resource Ranking
D. Korzun, A. Gurtov (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology)
14:00 -- 14:30
  Modeling Chunk Availability in P2P Swarming Systems
D.S. Menasche (University of Massachusetts),
A.A.A. Rocha, E. de Souza e Silva, R.M. Meri Leao
(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro),
D. Towsley, A. Venkataramani (University of Massachusetts)
14:30 -- 15:00
  Viewing Impaired Video Transmissions From a Modeling Perspective
O. Hohlfeld, F. Ciucu (Technische Universitaet Berlin, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories)
15:00 -- 15:30
15:30 -- 16:00
  Workload Optimality in Switches Without Arrivals
G.R. Gupta, S. Sanghavi (Purdue University), N.B. Shroff (The Ohio State University)
16:00 -- 16:30
  Optimal Speed Scaling Under Arbitrary Power Functions
L.L.H. Andrew (Swinburne University of Technology), A. Wierman (California Institute of Technology), A. Tang (Cornell University)
16:30 -- 17:00
  Heavy-Traffic Analysis of the M/PH/1 Discriminatory Processor
Sharing Queue with Phase-Dependent Weights
I.M. Verloop (CWI), U. Ayesta (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics & Universite de Toulouse), R. Nunez-Queija (CWI & University of Amsterdam)
17:00 -- 17:30
  Improved Approximations for Stochastic Loss Networks
J. Anselmi (INRIA and LIG Laboratory), Y. Lu, M. Sharma,
M.S. Squillante (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
18:00 -- 19:00
  Informal Reception in Visions Lounge
(on the top floor of the Renaissance Seattle Hotel)