Mumbai, India
June 6-10, 2022
It is a pleasure to invite you to the SIGMETRICS posters session of the 2022 ACM SIGMETRICS / Performance conference. This session provides an opportunity to present early-stage, not-yet-ready-for-prime-time research to receive valuable feedback from the community. The poster session will be preferably in-person, but we will adapt the format depending on the covid situation and travel restriction.
It is also a pleasure to announce awards for the best student posters. The number and amount of the awards will depend on the number of applications received and the available funds.
Submissions must be single-blind, and in the form of extended abstracts (unpublished work or under review) of at most 3 pages (double-column) in the standard PER format (including all figures, tables, references). Submissions will be reviewed by the posters session program committee, from which a number of short papers will be selected for inclusion in the poster session. The topics of interest are the ones of 2022 ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance conference (see call for papers).
Submission Deadline: March 16, 2022
Acceptance Notification: March 30, 2022
Page Limit: 3 pages (double-column) in standard PER format
Submission Link:
Contact: Alexandre Reiffers-Masson
Revised versions of these short papers will be published (3 pages, double-column) in a special issue of Performance Evaluation Review (PER), with a due date after the conference making it possible for authors to incorporate relevant discussions at the conference. Note that there are no copyright issues with PER, and thus authors retain the copyright of their work with complete freedom to submit their work elsewhere.
Students who are presenting a paper/poster at the conference will be prioritized for travel awards that should at least cover the registration fee. It is also our pleasure to announce awards for the best student posters. The number and amount of the awards will depend on the number of applications received and the available funds. More details will be posted on the website soon.