Accepted Papers
Summer Deadline
On Private Peering Agreements between Content and Access Providers: A Contractual Equilibrium Analysis
by Xin Wang (National University of Singapore), Richard Ma (National University of Singapore)
Achieving Zero Asymptotic Queueing Delay for Parallel Jobs
by Wentao Weng (Tsinghua University), Weina Wang (Carnegie Mellon University)
The Gittins Policy is Nearly Optimal in the M/G/k under Extremely General Conditions
by Ziv Scully (Carnegie Mellon University), Isaac Grosof (Carnegie Mellon University; Mor Harchol-Balter (Carnegie Mellon University)
Stay Connected, Leave no Trace: Enhancing Security and Privacy in WiFi via Obfuscating Radiometric Fingerprints
by Luis F. Abanto-Leon (Technical University of Darmstadt), Andreas Bäuml (Technical University of Darmstadt), Gek Hong (Allyson) Sim (Technical University of Darmstadt), Matthias Hollick (Technical University of Darmstadt), Arash Asadi (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Optimal Load Balancing with Locality Constraints
by Wentao Weng (Tsinghua University), Xingyu Zhou (The Ohio State University), R Srikant (UIUC)
Achievable Stability in Redundancy Systems
by Youri Raaijmakers (Eindhoven University of Technology), Sem Borst (Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e))
I Know What You Bought At Chipotle for 9.81 by Solving A Linear Inverse Problem
by Michael Fleder (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Devavrat Shah (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Improving the performance of heterogeneous data centers through redundancy
by Elene Anton (CNRS-IRIT, Toulouse INP), Urtzi Ayesta (CNRS-IRIT and Ikerbasque/Univ. Basque Country), Matthieu Jonckheere (University of Buenos Aires), Maaike Verloop (IRIT-CNRS)
Load Balancing Under Strict Compatibility Constraints
by Daan Rutten (Georgia Institute of Technology), Debankur Mukherjee (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Magma: A Ground-Truth Fuzzing Benchmark
by Ahmad Hazimeh (EPFL), Adrian Herrera (Defence Science and Technology Group), Mathias Payer (EPFL)
Tracking Counterfeit Cryptocurrency End-to-end
by Bingyu Gao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Haoyu Wang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Pengcheng Xia Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Siwei Wu (Zhejiang University), Yajin Zhou (Zhejiang University), Xiapu Luo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Gareth Tyson (Queen Mary University of London)
Competitive Algorithms for the Online Multiple Knapsack Problem with Application to Electric Vehicle Charging
by Bo Sun (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Ali Zeynali (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Tongxin Li (California Institute of Technology), Mohammad Hajiesmaili (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Adam Wierman (California Institute of Technology), Danny H.K. Tsang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Bregman-style Online Convex Optimization with Energy Harvesting Constraints
by Kamiar Asgari (University of Southern California), Michael Neely (University of Southern California)
Fall Deadline
SUGAR: Speeding Up GPGPU Application Resilience Estimation with Input Sizing
by Lishan Yang (William & Mary), Bin Nie (William & Mary), Adwait Jog (William & Mary), Evgenia Smirni (William & Mary)
Federated Bandit: A Gossiping Approach
by Zhaowei Zhu (University of California, Santa Cruz), Jingxuan Zhu (Stony Brook University), Ji Liu (Stony Brook University), Yang Liu (University of California, Santa Cruz)
adPerf: Characterizing the Performance of Third-party Ads
by Behnam Pourghassemi (University of California, Irvine), Jordan Bonecutter (University of California, Irvine), Zhou Li (University of California, Irvine), Aparna Chandramowlishwaran (University of California, Irvine)
A Look Behind the Curtain: Traffic Classification in an Increasingly Encrypted Web
by Iman Akbari (University of Waterloo), Mohammad A. Salahuddin (University of Waterloo), Leni Ven (University of Waterloo), Noura Limam (University of Waterloo), Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo), Bertrand Mathieu (Orange Labs), Stephanie Moteau (Orange Labs), Stephane Tuffin (Orange Labs)
Approximation Algorithms for Submodular Data Summarization with a Knapsack Constraint
by Kai Han (University of Science and Technology of China), Shuang Cui (University of Science and Technology of China), Tianshuai Zhu (University of Science and Technology of China), Enpei Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China), Benwei Wu (University of Science and Technology of China), Zhizhuo Yin (University of Science and Technology of China), Tong Xu (University of Science and Technology of China), Shaojie Tang (University of Texas at Dallas), He Huang (Soochow University)
Dynamic Pricing and Matching for Two-Sided Markets with Strategic Servers
by Sushil Mahavir Varma (Georgia Institute of Technology), Francisco Castro (University of California, Los Angeles), Siva Theja Maguluri (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Input-Dynamic Distributed Algorithms for Communication Networks
by Klaus-Tycho Foerster (University of Vienna), Janne H. Korhonen (IST Austria), Ami Paz (University of Vienna), Joel Rybicki (IST Austria), Stefan Schmid (University of Vienna)
Zero Queueing for Multi-Server Jobs
by Weina Wang (Carnegie Mellon University), Qiaomin Xie (Cornell University), Mor Harchol-Balter (Carnegie Mellon University)
Revisiting Modified Greedy Algorithm for Monotone Submodular Maximization with a Knapsack Constraint
by Jing Tang (National University of Singapore), Xueyan Tang (Nanyang Technological University), Andrew Lim (National University of Singapore), Kai Han (University of Science and Technology of China), Chongshou Li (National University of Singapore), Junsong Yuan (State University of New York at Buffalo)
Online Virtual Machine Allocation with Lifetime and Load Predictions
by Niv Buchbinder (Tel Aviv University and Microsoft Research), Yaron Fairstein (Technion), Konstantina Mellou (Microsoft Research), Ishai Menache (Microsoft Research), Joseph (Seffi) Naor (Technion)
Statistically Efficient, Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Combinatorial Semi-Bandits
by Thibaut Cuvelier (Orange Labs & CentraleSupélec), Richard Combes (CentraleSupélec), Eric Gourdin (Orange Labs)
Winter Deadline
Real-time approximate routing for smart transit systems by Noémie Périvier (Columbia University), Chamsi Hssaine (Cornell University), Samitha Samaranayake (Cornell University), Siddhartha Banerjee (Cornell University)
Mean Waiting Time in Large-Scale and Critically Loaded Power of d Load Balancing Systems by Tim Hellemans (University of Antwerp), Benny Van Houdt (University of Antwerp)
The Power of $D$-hops in Matching Power-Law Graphs by LIREN YU (Purdue University), Jiaming Xu (Duke University), Xiaojun Lin (Purdue University)
Where did my 256GB go? Large-scale Analysis of Mobile Storage Consumption by Ashish Bijlani (Georgia Tech), Kishore Ramachandran (Georgia Tech), Roy H. Campbell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Refining Mean-field Approximations by Dynamic State Truncation by Francesca Randone (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca), Luca Bortolussi (University of Trieste), Mirco Tribastone (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
On the Asymptotic Insensitivity of the Supermarket Model in Processor Sharing Systems by Grzegorz Kielanski (University of Antwerp), Benny Van Houdt (University of Antwerp)
A Systematic Framework to Identify Violations of Scenario-dependent Driving Rules in Autonomous Vehicle Software by Qingzhao Zhang (University of Michigan), Ke David Hong (University of Michigan), Ze Zhang (University of Michigan), Qi Alfred Chen (UC Irvine), Scott Mahlke (University of Michigan/Nvidia Research), Z. Morley Mao (University of Michigan)
Nudge: Stochastically Improving upon FCFS by Isaac Grosof (Carnegie Mellon University) Kunhe Yang (Tsinghua University), Ziv Scully (Carnegie Mellon University), Mor Harchol-Balter (Carnegie Mellon University)
Chasm in Hegemony: Explaining and Reproducing Disparities in Homophilous Networks by Yiguang Zhang (Columbia University), Jessy Xinyi Han (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Ilica Mahajan (Columbia University), Priyanjana Bengani (Columbia University), Augustin Chaintreau (Columbia University)
Mix and Match: Reorganizing Tasks for Enhancing Data Locality by Xulong Tang (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Mahmut Taylan Kandemir (Penn State, USA), Mustafa Karakoy (TUBITAK-BILGEM, Turkey)
Information Aggregation for Constrained Online Control by Tongxin Li (California Institute of Technology), Yue Chen (Tsinghua University), Bo Sun (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Adam Wierman (California Institute of Technology), Steven H. Low (California Institute of Technology)
SADPonzi: Detecting and Characterizing Ponzi Schemes in Ethereum Smart Contracts by Weimin Chen (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Xinran Li (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Yuting Sui (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Ningyu He (Peking University), Haoyu Wang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Lei Wu (Zhejiang University), Xiapu Luo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
A Measurement Study of Wechat Mini-Apps by Yue Zhang (Computer Science & Engineering, Ohio State University), Bayan Turkistani (Computer Science & Engineering, Ohio State University), Allen Yuqing Yang (Ohio State University), Chaoshun Zuo (Ohio State University), Zhiqiang Lin (Ohio State University)
PredictRoute: A Network Path Prediction Toolkit by Rachee Singh (Microsoft/University of Massachusetts Amherst), David Tench (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Phillipa Gill (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts Amherst)