Adam Wierman Wins 2011 SIGMETRICS Rising Star Researcher Award

ACM SIGMETRICS is pleased to announce that Dr. Adam Wierman of Caltech is the recipient of the 2011 ACM SIGMETRICS Rising Star Researcher Award. The award recognizes his outstanding contributions in the design and analysis of scheduling policies, which provided fundamental insights into scheduling and fairness in modern computing systems.

Dr. Wierman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at the California Institute of Technology, where he is a member of the Rigorous Systems Research Group (RSRG). He received his Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 2007, 2004, and 2001, respectively. His research interests center around resource allocation and scheduling decisions in computer systems and services. More specifically, his work focuses both on developing analytic techniques in stochastic modeling, queueing theory, scheduling theory, and game theory, and applying these techniques to application domains such as energy-efficient computing, networks, and the electricity grid.

Dr. Wierman has served on the program committees of ACM SIGMETRICS, IFIP Performance, ACM GreenMetrics, ACM HotMetrics, ICST ValueTools, IEEE ITC, and IEEE MASCOTS. He serves on the Editorial Board of Performance Evaluation and has served as program co-chair for ACM HotMetrics, the EURANDOM Young European Queueing Theorists Symposium, the Southern California Network Economics and Game Theory workshop, and the IEEE ICCCN Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation track. He has also been involved with organizing conference sessions at INFORMS (Applied Probability Cluster).

His work has received the 2003 ACM SIGMETRICS Best Student Paper Award, the 2010 IFIP Performance Best Paper Award, and the 2011 IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Award. He was named a Seibel Scholar in 2007, received an Okawa Foundation grant in 2008, and received an NSF CAREER grant in 2008. His dissertation received the CMU School of Computer Science Distinguished Dissertation Award and was given an honorable mention for the INFORMS Doctoral Dissertation Award for Operations Research in Telecommunications. He has also received multiple teaching awards, including the Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology (ASCIT) Teaching Award in 2010, the Alan J. Perlis School of Computer Science teaching award in 2005, and the Carnegie Mellon Graduate Student Teaching Award in 2006.

For more information about Dr. Wierman, please visit:

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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.